Nigerian Youth Excellence in Sales and Service (NYESS) Programme

The Learning Programme Designed to Boost Skills and Organizational Capacity in Sales and Customer Service

Programme Overview

The Nigerian Youth Excellence in Sales and Service (NYESS) Programme is designed by upskhill, and aims to cultivate proficiency in the fields of Customer Service and Sales for entry and early-career professionals before connecting them with employers looking to fill vacancies in these roles at their organizations.


The NYESS Programme is committed to:

Equipping participants with a robust skill set in Customer Service and Sales.

Enhancing career readiness through targeted, practical training modules.

Facilitating employment opportunities via the NYESS Talent Match initiative.


The programme is structured into two cohorts:

First Cohort: 1 July to 6 September 2024

Second Cohort: 16 September to 29 November 2024

***The admission process is competitive, targeting individuals with a strong interest and potential in Customer Service and Sales. The programme involves a fee - flexible payment arrangements available.

Sign me up for the NYESS Programme

The Learning Journey

NYESS is a 10-week learning journey dedicated to equipping participants with essential skills, industry insights, and hands-on experience required to excel in these pivotal sectors. At the end of their journey, our graduates are expected to bring to have achieved the gained.

Comprehensive Training

Graduates would have completed a 10-week intensive programme, gaining core skills in Customer Service and Sales.

Practical Experience

Through real-world case studies and projects, they would be able to apply their learning in practical scenarios, problem-solve and think strategically.


Equipped with career support services, NYESS graduates will be well-prepared for the workforce, showcasing professionalism, effective communication, and a strong work ethic.

Skill Scorecard

On course completion, learners earn a Skills Scorecard, a proprietary upskhill metric that certifies their competencies and performance in customer service and sales; it gives employers an objective data point to assess graduates' competencies.


Programme Benefits


Skill Development:

Gain in-demand skills, industry connections, and the support need to advance in these dynamic fields.

Flexible Learning Pace:

Designed for completion within 10 weeks, the NYESS Programme accommodates flexible learning schedules, allowing participants to balance personal and professional commitments.

Career and Entrepreneurial Support:

In addition to skill development, the programme offers workshops on job application and interview skills, and sessions dedicated to entrepreneurial pursuits for participants exploring self-employment or business ownership.

Employer Matching:

As an NYESS graduate, you will have opportunities to connect with employers looking to fill customer service and sales roles at their organizations.

Flexible Payment Plan:

NYESS is a paid programme but participants will be offered flexible payment plans to ensure affordability.

Elevate Your Career!


Access to Skilled and Vetted Talent:

Access a pool of motivated, skilled, and upskhill-certified professionals in Customer Service and Sales and enhance your team with fresh perspectives and the latest industry practices, driving innovation and customer satisfaction.

Gain a Competitive Edge in Talent Acquisition:

As a Programme Partner, your organization gains a competitive edge in talent acquisition through matches with vetted candidates who can drive your business forward in Customer Service and Sales.

Cost-Savings for Team Training:

Discounts are available to Programme Partners who want to upskill their existing customer service and sales teams.

Reduced Hiring Cost:

Reduce recruitment time and costs by connecting with candidates who have undergone rigorous training and assessment.

Efficient Recruitment Process:

The NYESS Talent Match is designed to be flexible, accommodating your organization's recruitment cycles and needs. So whether you're looking to fill immediate vacancies or planning for future growth, the programme can align with your timelines.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Got questions about the NYESS Programme? We’ve got answers! Whether you’re a future participant eager to upskill or an employer looking to invest in top-notch talent, our FAQs are here to help you understand everything the NYESS Programme has to offer. Dive into our commonly asked questions to get the insights you need to make an informed decision.


Who is eligible to enroll in the NYESS programme?

The NYESS programme welcomes Nigerian youths who are at least 18 years of age and are either entry-level job seekers or early-career professionals aiming to advance their skills in sales and customer service. If you're driven and committed to professional growth in these fields, we encourage you to apply.

What will I learn in the NYESS programme?

Participants will learn a range of skills including, but not limited to, effective communication, sales techniques, customer relationship management, problem-solving in customer service, and digital tools for sales efficiency. The curriculum is crafted to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

How is the programme delivered?

The NYESS programme is delivered through a mix of online learning modules, live virtual workshops, and practical case studies, enabling you to learn at your own pace while benefiting from real-time feedback and interactive sessions with industry experts.

Is there a cost associated with the NYESS programme?

Yes, the NYESS programme fee is 90,000 Naira. We understand that participants may require flexibility in payment, which is why we offer the option to pay in installments. Additionally, organizations looking to enroll their workforce in the programme can benefit from our discount offers. For more details on installment plans and organizational discounts, please contact the upskhill team to discuss this.

What are the benefits of completing the NYESS programme?

Upon completion, you’ll receive a Skills Passport, which serves as a verified record of your new competencies. You'll also have the opportunity to connect with top employers through upskhill’s Talent Match network, which can open doors to exciting career opportunities.


How can my organization benefit from participating in the NYESS programme?

By joining the NYESS Talent Match programme, your organization gains access to a pool of trained and vetted talent ready to excel in customer service and sales roles. Additionally, the programme offers the opportunity to co-design bespoke future training solutions to meet specific organizational needs.

Can our organization enroll our existing sales and customer service teams in the NYESS programme?

Yes, organizations can certainly enroll their current sales and customer service teams in the NYESS programme. This is an excellent opportunity for companies to enhance the skills of their existing workforce, ensuring they are equipped with the latest techniques and knowledge to excel in their roles. Enrolling your team in our programme can lead to improved performance, higher customer satisfaction, and increased sales effectiveness. For details on how to enroll your team and the benefits it can bring to your organization, please reach out to us.

How does the NYESS programme ensure the quality of its graduates?

The NYESS programme includes rigorous training and evaluation, culminating in a Skills Passport for each graduate, which reflects their proficiency in relevant skills. Our curriculum is developed and delivered by industry experts, ensuring high-quality learning outcomes.

Can we influence the curriculum to suit our specific needs?

The curriculum for the current NYESS programme has been finalized and is now in the development stage, ready to deliver exceptional training in customer service and sales. However, we welcome employer input for our upcoming Excellence Programmes. If you have specific requirements or insights you believe would benefit these courses, we invite you to contact the upskhill team to discuss potential curriculum collaborations. Together, we can tailor future training to align with the unique needs of your industry and workforce.

Is there a cost for employers to partner with the NYESS programme?

Presently, there are no charges for employers participating in the NYESS programme. We are committed to fostering strong partnerships and providing value at this stage without any associated fees. Should there be any changes to this policy in the future, we guarantee that all organizations will be notified well in advance. Rest assured, any future changes will not affect your participation or the terms agreed upon for the current programme.

What is the process for hiring NYESS programme graduates?

Employers who participate in the NYESS programme will receive a comprehensive brochure detailing upskhill’s unique skills scoring system. This system quantifies the competencies and achievements of graduates, allowing you to make informed decisions when selecting potential hires. Based on this information, employers are invited to specify the range of scores that align with their hiring needs. We will then compile and share a shortlist of candidates who meet these criteria upon completion of their training. Our only requirement for employers is a commitment to providing decent jobs that adhere to or exceed the Nigerian minimum wage. This ensures fair employment practices and promotes a sustainable and supportive work environment for our graduates.

The Online Marketplace for Skilled and Vetted Talent

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