upskhill: Preparing for the Future Today

By: Manji Cheto

15 August 2023

In a world where the pace of technological progress is nothing short of breathtaking, change is the only constant. The future of work is rapidly evolving, and while new opportunities emerge, it's vital to understand the significance of upskilling. That's where upskhill steps in.

At the heart of upskhill lies a simple yet revolutionary idea: empower individuals with the skills for tomorrow and connect employers to a pool of rigorously vetted talent. We're not just another online course provider. We offer more. When you take a course through upskhill, your progress isn't just a certificate at the end. It's a Skills Scorecard, a testament to your dedication and proficiency in your chosen field.

Think of our Skills Scores as a credit score for your professional acumen. In a world overflowing with CVs and resumes, where self-evaluation often blurs the lines of expertise, our Skills Scores shine a light on true capability. And for employers? It offers a comprehensive, unbiased tool to evaluate potential hires.

Our vision is global, but our journey begins with Africa. With the youngest population on the planet and an exponentially growing workforce, Africa stands on the precipice of monumental change. But to harness this potential, upskilling is key. At upskhill, we believe Africa can lead the way in supplying global labour markets with top-tier talent. And we are here to catalyze this transformation.

What We Offer at upskhill:

  • Learning

Our platform curates courses from the best in the industry. Whether you're already in the workforce or just stepping in, upskhill equips you with job-relevant skills that are both verifiable and marketable.

  • Hiring

For employers, we are more than just a talent pool. We are a talent ocean, vast and deep, with a Skills Scoring System that ensures you get the best match for your needs.

  • Teaching

And for those with expertise to share, upskhill is your stage. Reach out to vast audiences, earn while you educate, and become a beacon of knowledge in a world thirsting for it.


The future might be uncertain, but with upskhill, you will always be a step ahead. Join us in our mission, and together, let's shape the future of work.


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Think of our Skills Scores as a credit score for your professional acumen. In a world overflowing with CVs and resumes, where self-evaluation often blurs the lines of expertise, our Skills Scores shine a light on true capability. And for employers? It offers a comprehensive, unbiased tool to evaluate potential hires.

The Online Marketplace for Skilled and Vetted Talent